Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Tracking and tracing
Studying from the Indigestion and the Dissident Housework Series – the events is changing. It regenerates the stuff and the field, and changes the relationship and essence of object by dynamic events.

The fog not only leaves the moisture in the space but also releases the smoke to reform the object. For example, the Blur (Diller+Scofidio, 2002) releases the fog. It reforms the original space and blurs the boundary of building. In addition, the human body generates and disturb this particle in the environment. Body releases pollutants through breath, body heat and vibrating the particle on the body (e.g. dandruff). I am thinking the altering body probably can generate the smoke and form the body-landscape. Next step, using the 3D scanner records the smoke landscape which releases from body, and producing the object which generates the pollutant attaches on the altering body.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

Archos Workshop: Plymouth + Bartlett + AHO

The sensors which are set in the building collect the environmental effective elements data of each area’s in the building (temperature, humid, wind direction …and so on). My group used every fragment of the database and insert into 3D max to form a form. It hoped to reflect the element to environment in moment in everyday which based on different position, large, forms or colour. For example, we selected everyday’s data of wind direction (Monday to Sunday) at the same time of everyday. Then we can get the form of everyday (7 forms a week) and insert in the 3D software to connect with everyone. We believe the transforms reflect the environmental data in architectural form in the cube (building) and this idea seems can relate to my project.
The final presented of workshop showed a data-sensor system to reflect in the architectural circulation system. For example, the humid sensor will start blow the bloom in the building hall then block the entrance when it is rain and humility is raised.(humid data reflect to the large of form). Therefore, the students have to change their circulation to enter the building or black the elevator then students have to jump on the cushion to down stair. It maybe little bit fancy. The purpose is that generating new form from environmental data to relate with the original space (environment).
In my project, I think the light bulbs are the similar technical sensor to record the data of form in the environment. The drawings in the crit tried to analyse every movement. Light traces like the tracks of transform in the space and it regenerate the forms of each movement. The similar system is a new field (building or corridor) which is a time-based altering to dialogues in present space.

my sketch during the workshop
the collage of cushion system

Term2 crit + further testing situation works

In the crit, there are some questions about relation of the body and space (environment). Therefore, I did an experiment to test how the environmental (field) conditions affect the altering body. The action is to open the window and the field conditions are changed (I set up different situation in the space). The body was changing with different time by different condition and the speed is also different.