Sunday 19 October 2008

Open eye

Topology, often called "flexible geometry,"is characterized and symbolized by the viewpoint that a circle and a triangle are equal.

In the October 18, 1952, issue of Collier's, von Braun imagines man's first trip to the moon. He sketched out the "orbit-to-orbit space ship," which he designed to transport people from a space station to lunar orbit. The 190-foot- (58-meter-) tall spaceship houses 50 astronauts in its top sphere. The ship carries a radio dish for communication and a "solar mirror" for energy. Von Braun wrote that the sun's heat would vaporize the element mercury to drive a generator.

"3-Stage Satellite Vehicle" shows a 24-story rocket ship weighing 7,000 tons (the equivalent of about 1,400 elephants).

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